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jordan shoes,The moment, everyone agreed, Lu Tianwu the second day with Hu Yuexian back to Pro Village. Hu Yuan ready to deal with several shops after their own, with a return to the village of Xiao Ling Lingyang. Xiao Ling insisted on going to participate in the imperial examinations. Fortunately, the examination in two days, the road days will no longer adhere to the military. Asked Xiao Ling, after the exam, they will return with a round of Huyang Linyang village. At night, Xiao Ling climbing at the window looking out the window scenery. Feeling the body of faint pain. Think of the day Nuerwa the fierce tyrants of the phase, feel that the imperial examination of the dream becomes illusory deformation up.

jordan outlet,Can not help but feel ridiculous. Now the dark heart under the plan, the imperial examination after the experience, then back to the Pro Village, planted him a few acres of land, quiet life will be a degree. Such a thought, they feel hazy eyes together, the distance a dark, bottomless. I do not know when the knock on the door sounded. Xiao Ling to open the door, but it is the arrival of road days Wu: uncle it! Lu Tianwu into the house; ah, sleep? Linger, previously told you. This world is not our world now. Today you met with Nurva's Mo Yang.

skechers shoes,Uncle today to come here, is to persuade you not to participate in the imperial examinations to come. Xiao Ling heard his face a dark: uncle said, how to know my nephew. But, since the uncle will bring his nephew to study this way. That the dream of imperial examinations will be rooted in the hearts of his nephew. And now the world, my nephew knows where to go. But also want to see the imperial examination room, this has been a dream for more than a decade. Lu-day look at his nephew looking at his face dejected: Linger, you this dream, I understand. But you now have a gap with that Nurva.

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