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jordan shoes,Chu Xiang's high IQ does not mean that he will have the leadership ability, in fact, he also put himself as a small tire factory workers. Especially after experiencing a number of life and death, he understands the importance of a team, and now he is more than other evolutionary advantage is that he has a strong team, even if the other side to some higher than their strength. But they can not be their own opponents, because their hard to back! The base of several major responsible persons attended the meeting, and even the usual unwilling to appear side of the country also came, it seems suddenly appeared two hundred or three hundred people also attracted his attention.

jordan outlet,Zhang Hongbing has always been the first to everything, he first stood up and said: Chu team. Yesterday we know, they have a lot of maintenance workers, the number of about 20 people, are Li Xihua was specially left to the technical workers, to his car repair welding posts, these people I want. Bing said: Bing brother said there are a few understand the computer, but their level I do not know, so I will find them scattered to touch thoroughly, if it is almost left me in the Ministry of Information. This also slowed down my lack of manpower.

skechers shoes,Fang Su said: Although the grain storage staff is not lacking, but that two hundred people to maintain such a large grain depot is very difficult, if you can give us fifty, let everyone have a break. I'm afraid I'm too tired to work. Chu Xiang nodded, ah, is such a thing children, but the grain depot is very important to us, the 50 people from our original selection, the remaining gap and then from the West set base to make up. Fang Su nodded to understand, and how the specific operation of the forest and her household registration of the forest consultation, Fang Guo suddenly opened this time, Chu captain.

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