Sunday 12 October 2014

ugg ezsz

But, such a wonderful performance did not let Qin Yang homage to generate ideas, but more firm since discount UGG Qin Yang judgment, this is just a scam, how to say, Qin Yang is the twenty-first century intellectuals, How can believe this nonsense, and besides, Qin Yang but was born in New China, growth under the red flag ah Okay, okay, let's get down to business, Qin Yang do not believe these are the reasons why is because Qin Yang had seen those books on these feudal superstition lie law, just that monks gray lines show just hanging coins and fingers two basic lighting tricks.

Of course,cheap uggs, this is bad luck Buddha, if if their performances are not seen by Qin Yang, that maybe, huh, huh, huh uh. Principles of these two methods is very simple, that the so-called gray wire hanging currency but because the cord is soaked in brine and then dried in the line ah, although the line ignited become ashes, but due to the chemical reaction, there is a strong cohesion, and thus would not cut off immediately. And that is more magical fingers lighting, but also because of the shaman in advance with the chemical potassium chlorate and sulfur into powder 50 grams each, mixed together, stick to the fingers, when the lights blew out, while there is little to Mars, with finger point bright lights again.

But even this so-called Buddha way how skilled, can not change it in the end common of these simple art of deception, which is studying the harm ah do not know if this so-called monks are able to learn a little Qin Yang does not have seen before, so today, I'm afraid the result will be very different ah. This is the power of learning ! This is no culture of eating much suffering ! However, these reasons, Qin Yang is known, but also know the scientific reason and the reason for this series, but the villagers do not know ah, Moreover, Qin Yang is that prevents removal of agricultural research base ah, this talk of credible undoubtedly among sex, even a little less, then, how to deal with this thing ?

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