Wednesday 15 October 2014

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But the situation in the south near the river suddenly bad up,ugg boots, hexagonal righteous men Koga Yin congregation in the original hexagonal collar big family event, spread all kinds of rumors, nobles and peasants who incite against the Oda family. All of a sudden, the south near the river collar swooning, Nobunaga had to Wing 's former city Sakuma, Shibata city long ji thousand people were sent reinforcements, plus supplementary force to defend Kyoto strengthen mountain country defense, had more than 10,000 troops loyalists suddenly empty. But the situation is still the South Omi continued to deteriorate significantly.

Allen Yi Yin then led the congregation Gentry coalition appearances, the long- ji surrounded the city, trying to capture this city, to replace five kilometers outside of the temple was abandoned as the city of the city and Kei, as a new home south of the city near the river re- integration. Even with Nobunaga ( or ugg outlet online ) marriage Gamo home, although there is no renegade, but also double face, right wins home help request ignored. Long ji city was surrounded by a few days, water was cut off, almost caught without water situation. Allen Yi Yin messenger capitulate face temptations, Shibata person intentionally spilled a tub of water, showing plenty of their own water.

Wait until the messenger left, Singer immediately removed only a few urns of water for soldiers reference, and then smashed water urn, with the most drastic momentum, out of town the next morning raid on the home hex camp, which shares Gentry defeated coalition. Due to the long ji mountain town known as bottle cutting, cutting the hill where the mountain called bottles, Shibata then got a semantic pun nickname : Bottle cut Shibata. This time, Gamo sudden change in attitude is also home to the city sent a long ji rations and other supplies, and launched an attack on the hexagonal house.

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