Wednesday 29 March 2017

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Outlet Mall,Three children obediently closed his mouth, no longer slapstick, just buried eating. After they were born, they knew the story between Lien and his father. Even the untimely death, has been Guo Jia heart can not touch the pain. Although the time day by day, many of the occurred should not have happened, but in the heart of Guo Jia, has been buried deep remorse and pain. The past few years he has always been self-blame, dare not face even the sincerity of the family; often midnight dream, always sad to think of that Zhangyeyi brave face, that road was accompanied by the tall figure.
Outlet,In recent years, Guo Jia is such over and over again, harsh and even with a kind of morbid stubbornness, constantly condemning himself. All his day and night to study the art of war, the sages of the military books are turned rotten, that is, in the future to make fewer mistakes on the battlefield. Eat more, eat more. Liu Yan see the child silence, a depressed look, so clip a few dishes into their Wan. Aunt, I'm full. Guo Tieban wiped his mouth, jumped off the chair. Mother, I also, I went to see the next dad.
adidas shoes,Mother, mother...... I worry about dad. Guo Shuai head down, eyes red. Liu Yan abruptly speechless, Xiangjian burst of jitter. Go, you go, your father may also need you to accompany...... Diao Chan biting his lips, Mouzhong tears flashing. Guo House backyard, a silver ocean. Snow covered with branches of crabapple trees staggered, the wind gently shake, half a yellow leaves fall, tree branches on the left dead branches. Dry Xu flaky ice as a mass of a group of shrink in the sharp branches, as if quietly telling the former glamorous, and as if the dark darkly now declining.

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