Wednesday 5 November 2014

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Half past eight, Zhou Yi and Zhao came to the high school nine classes Rhine, was surprised to find the door close on the class text is sophomore class, ie cheap ray bans not moved away from the original classroom is the new classrooms. The class is undergoing a massive shift activity, each student at the time of his own furniture moved, have to give the class the students get along better farewell sentences, an appointment should meet regularly, and so on. And say goodbye to a lot of people one week, the class most of the boys and Zhou Yi shook hands and patted the shoulder or, say a blessing words.

After all,cheap ray ban Sunglasses, according to rumors, one week but can not mess with the characters. After the original nine classes in succession to move out of high school, followed by outside the window they were filled with tables and chairs waiting to enter classes while carrying a new text of a group of sophomore students. Week One casual glance, the girls really found mostly accounted for the majority. After the former high school science students of all nine classes choose to move those to wait until the new students began to come in while carrying tables and chairs. Week One probably figured, in addition to the original nine classes to stay high and one twenty-four students, sophomore class text total ninety-eight students, the number of which forty-eight girls, boys stay in the twenty.

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