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cheap uggs 's Base, this time. Wu Ying Da 's just get half of that dog team. Spitfire touches soldiers and Marines out half the team, but still not one nurse. Wu Ying Da five and eight dogs lurking rushed past. In Yasin immediately before the sub-base fill bunkers yet completed, it has rounded out the sub-base Yasin 's. Yasin troops this time, most of the team is a ghd hair straightener mixed force of Marines and soldiers, fire-breathing, coupled with rush manufactured between two nurses.

Wu Ying Da lurking continue to Yasin 's main base buried, radar kept shining, Yasin Marines forces, and ugg outlet lurking and began strangling the dog. After a few seconds, could not help but stand up and barking Books, and others shouted in unison *** a few times, and then a little bit of not willing to sit down. While Yasin base which is also playing quite miserable Wu Ying Da, but gradually under spend, Wu Ying Da latent but already killed three.

If an operation for a tyrannical master to control the reversal of the Zerg forces, Yasin estimated that eighty percent of this next wave should be killed. But Wu Ying Da micro-operations, compared Yasin come, but, after all, a lot worse. Nevertheless, in the stands, but business school has no longer just so crazy. Because all the audience has seen, although Wu Ying Da sub-base is also suffused with blood flower, played very miserable, and many farmers have died. But Wu Ying Da dogs and that this wave dial back, but it makes the SCV Yasin and economic losses, but also much larger than ugg sale a second mine to start Yasin economic advantages.

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